
Showing posts from July, 2018
Saturday,07,2018- I made it to the first day but something bad that day and I had to leave early I was so excited.
Monday,09,2018- I got to made it here I got picked up from Mr. Clinton I was happy and sad at the same time because I never leave home but I got here put up my tent and got to chill with my buddies. I ate.I usually don't eat. now I'm doing my blog and after I'm done ima do a share thing then take a shower.
July,Tuesday,10,2018 I went to go see the Lyle fisheries and Shawn showed us how they trap fish, were they come from but first they showed us how they track the fish. They put trackers inside salmon and steelheads, they measure and see if there wild or not. They also check if they are male or female, take scales of the fish, and send it to the lab. John showed us how to catch the fish and the spots to catch the fish. They stand on scaffolds and use dipping nets to catch the fish. After we were done with the fisheries we went to go eat lunch and then after that we went to go see the old woman " She Who Knows" and she was turned into stone because she wanted to, watch over village and make sure there okay.
July,11,2018. We woke up at six in the morning, we ate breakfast and made our lunches and then we headed to  Redmond Air Center and we met all the leaders the firefighters and pilots. they showed us what they wear when they get ready to go fight fires and some of them jump off planes they jump from 200ft up to 500ft. Then we got to get on a plane and they showed us, how they jump out of the plane and then after they showed us that we ate lunch then we went to the caches and they showed us of what they do and they send stuff to other places like, Alaska, and other places i can't remember and then we seen how they check the hose they get like three or more and hook it up to a water facet and then they turn the water on and see, if there are any leaks and there was nothing and now they turned on the pressure and the pressure pushes to the other side of hose and they check again if there's any leaks in the hose, and if there is they do something i cant remember honestly and after t